USDLA Board Member + Video Products Manager with Extron Electronics

This year’s USDLA National Conference is one to remember. After a successful time in Indianapolis, the USDLA Board decided to change the e venue to Nashville in order to keep it fresh for our attendees while still maintaining the quality exhibitors and sponsors they have come to expect. This year was no exception! The USDLA conference consistently brings together leaders from higher education, non-profits, and corporations in the field of distance learning, educational technology, and training.
From a sponsor or exhibitor’s perspective there were several reasons to attend. Often our attendees are looking for information on new products, and innovations the industry has to offer that will continue to improve the level of service provided to their students or workforce. The event offered ample opportunities to network with the distance learning leaders in attendance as well as demonstrate various products and services. With the new venue came a new layout around the perimeter of the general session ballroom that kept our exhibitors and sponsors close to the attendees and truly part of the event.
The USDLA works to provide as much flexibility as possible in our partnership benefits. As a result, the 2019 exhibit space was sold out! Below you find a list of our sponsors and exhibitors. It was great to have such an interesting mixture of companies and organizations, which made for a thorough educational experience for our attendees!
Even though the conference is over, there are still other great opportunities for your organization to engage and interact with the USDLA distance and digital learning community. If you have questions about getting involved with the USDLA, please contact USDLA President, Janet Major, jmajor@telemedicine.arizona.edu.
Thanks again to our 2019 USDLA Sponsors & Exhibitors:
- USDLA 2019 Silver Sponsor, Blackboard
- USDLA 2019 Virtual Conference Co-Sponsor, Discover Video
- USDLA 2019 Virtual Conference Co-Sponsor, i2i Technologies
- USDLA 2019 Bronze Sponsor, Arizona Telemedicine Program / Southwest Telehealth Resource Center
- USDLA 2019 Bronze Sponsor, ecree
- USDLA 2019 Bronze Sponsor, MindEdge Learning
- USDLA 2019 Bronze Sponsor, PlayPosit
- USDLA 2019 Bronze Sponsor, Proctorio
- USDLA 2019 Bronze Sponsor, RoomReady
- USDLA 2019 Bronze Sponsor, tutor.com
- USDLA 2019 Bronze Sponsor, Verbit
- USDLA 2019 Bronze Sponsor, Zoom
- USDLA 2019 Exhibitor, Emsi
- USDLA 2019 Exhibitor, GoReact
- USDLA 2019 Exhibitor, WIRIS
- USDLA 2019 Friends of the Conference, Information Age Publishing
- USDLA 2019 Friends of the Conference, Super Doodle Girl
- USDLA 2019 Friends of the Conference, Tarrent County College TCC Connect Campus
For more information about the USDLA:
Join the USDLA Today: https://usdla.org/membership/levels/
Become a Sponsor of the USDLA Today: https://usdla.org/membership/sponsorship/