USDLA serves the needs of the distance learning community by providing advocacy, information, networking, and opportunities. The weekly E-Newsletter is an informative and comprehensive resource highlighting USDLA activities and initiatives, along with current news, trends, and best practices across our various constituencies. These include K-12, Higher Ed, Corporate, Government, Military, Telehealth, and Home Schooling. In addition, information regarding new technology, state chapters, global affiliates, and upcoming events are also highlighted.
Submitting Your Article for Publication in the USDLA E-Newsletter
We are always on the lookout for industry information and commentary. Some guidelines:
- Your article should be of interest to one or more of the USDLA constituencies listed above
- The title of your article should be catchy and no longer than 10 words if possible
- provide two to four paragraphs with no more than 500 words total
- Whenever possible, include a photograph or image that relates to your article
- If relevant, include a link to a video or additional information related to your article
- If possible, provide one or two references to support your commentary
When submitting, include your name, title, and phone number so that we can reach you with any questions. Prepare your article in MSWord or in email text and send it to the communications department (Dr. Shana using “USDLA E-Newsletter” as the Subject.
Past Newsletters
Check out all recent newsletters at: