Dr. Carter D. Ward is executive director of the Missouri School Boards’ Association and has served in that capacity since 1983. Dr. Ward is also the executive director of MSBA’s foundation, FutureBuilders, and has served in that capacity since 1995.
Under his leadership, MSBA not only continues to provide outstanding training and advocacy services for Missouri school boards, but has developed a number of innovative programs in the areas of school finance, technology, and risk management.
Dr. Ward is widely recognized for his expertise in strategic planning. He has served on numerous state association review teams for the National School Boards Association and is a past chairman of the NSBA Executive Directors Liaison Committee.
He is the founder of Missouri’s Education Roundtable, an organization made up of the major statewide education associations in the state.
Dr. Ward earned a Doctorate in General School Administration and Statistics from the University of Missouri – Columbia. He holds an undergraduate degree from Central Methodist College and a master’s degree from Central Missouri State University. He has also been a mathematics teacher and administrator in secondary schools in Missouri.
In 2003, Dr. Ward also was named the Interim Executive Director of the Missouri PTA.