Can’t join us in Indianapolis? Register for our virtual conference being held April 30 – May 2, 2018. Thanks to our sponsor, Lifesize, registration will give you live access to our opening Keynote Speaker, various concurrent sessions, our prestigious Awards Banquet, Luncheon Panel, and our closing Keynote Speaker. Recordings of each session will also be provided after the conclusion of the event.
Virtual Conference Registration
USDLA Member Rate – $200
USDLA Non-Member Rate – $250
Register For the USDLA Virtual Conference Today!
Virtual Schedule is as Follows (Subject to Change)
Monday, April 30, 2018
Victory Ballroom: Welcome & Opening Keynote
8:30 – 9:45 AM Eastern
Carol Vallone, Former CEO & Board Chair, WebCT Inc./Former CEO & Board Chair, Wimba Inc./Former CEO & Board Chair, Meteor Learning
Concurrent Sessions 1
10:00 – 11:00 AM Eastern
CC 4: LMS Success: Winning The Race
Presented by: Judith Bayliss (Defense Acquisition University)
Track: STP / Constituency: COR, GOV/MIL
Is your LMS a junker past its prime? Or the engine running your powerhouse? Successful operations require systems that enable smart business processes and data collection. Examine with us how a focus on requirements, collaboration, and flexibility support LMS modernization and keep you in the race.
CC 11: How Video Increases Engagement for All Organizations
Presented by: Micah Dulak and Clayton Reed (Lifesize)
Track: FL / Constituency: ALL
Lifesize connects people by transporting them across cities, countries, and continents with lifelike video. We’ll be sharing and discussing data on how video improves the way organizations engage with their people as well as providing a use case from an organization using video to boost classroom attendance.
Concurrent Sessions 2
11:15 AM – 12:15 PM Eastern
CC 4: Collaboration of Operational Conference Services and Clinical Telemedicine Services for a Unified Environment
Presented by: Reggie Smith (Children’s National Health System)
Track: STP / Constituency: TH
Learn how Children’s National Health System with their Conference Services and Telemedicine Teams are using technology to cover thousands of conferencing and telemedicine events per year. This includes the consolidation of video/audio conferencing, web conferencing, learning management systems, SCORM, virtual visits, and other telehealth technologies within a pediatric healthcare environment.
CC 11: Formula Done: Designing Flexible, Scalable, Sporty -Yet Affordable- Classrooms
Presented by: Jim Wellings and Robby Sproul (Utah State University)
Track: DTR / Constituency: HE
Utah State University is a leader in the use of video conferencing for distance learning. With nearly 600 video endpoints, USU delivers more than 400 hours of video instruction weekly representing 40+ degree programs. New technologies, upgrades and improvements challenge us to design scalable, flexible and budget friendly classrooms. See you there!
Concurrent Sessions 3
2:00 – 3:00 PM Eastern
CC 4: USDLA State Chapters – Like-Minded People Unite!
Presented by: Linda Dickeson (Lincoln Public Schools & USDLA State Chapter Chair)
Track: STP Constituency: ALL
** Note This is a Double Session and is from 2-4 PM Eastern**
USDLA Chapters are organizations affiliated with the National organization. This session is an opportunity for Chapter leadership to network, share, plan, and learn with one another. If your state does NOT have a chapter, please join us to find out more about chapter organizations. We will focus on various aspects involved with USDLA Chapters that will provide knowledge, resources, momentum, and energy to take back to your local teams and colleagues.
CC 11: Keeping Online Students on Track and Moving Forward with Interactive Video
Presented by: Emily Helter and Elena Garofoli (Boston University)
Track: FL / Constituency: K-12, HE, COR, GOV/MIL
Boston University will describe the process involved in adopting Kaltura as their media sharing platform, demonstrate the ways it is integrated into their hosted version of Blackboard, and show examples of how faculty have implemented the tool within their Blackboard online classes to engage students. We will share lessons learned.
Concurrent Sessions 4
3:15 – 4:15 PM Eastern
CC 4: USDLA State Chapters – Like-Minded People Unite!
Presented by: Linda Dickeson (Lincoln Public Schools & USDLA State Chapter Chair)
Track: STP / Constituency: ALL
** Note This is a Double Session and is from 2-4 PM Eastern**
USDLA Chapters are organizations affiliated with the National organization. This session is an opportunity for Chapter leadership to network, share, plan, and learn with one another. If your state does NOT have a chapter, please join us to find out more about chapter organizations. We will focus on various aspects involved with USDLA Chapters that will provide knowledge, resources, momentum, and energy to take back to your local teams and colleagues.
CC 11: Exploring Southern State’s Use of Mobile Telepresence for Student Success
Presented by: Brian Rice, Tyler Bick, Katy Markey (Southern State Community College)
Track: STP / Constituency: K-12, HE
Mobile telepresence systems have become more affordable in recent years and offer portable high-end video and audio for students who might not otherwise be able to participate in classes or events. This exciting session covers lessons learned as well as practical procedures for equipment selection, testing, implementation, and buy in.
Victory Ballroom: USDLA 2018 Awards Banquet
7:00 – 9:00 PM Eastern (time may be delayed due to live dinner service)
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Concurrent Sessions 5
10:00 – 11:00 AM Eastern
CC 4: Technology Is Just the Tool: Performance Techniques for Successful Connections
Presented by: Lee Gambol (The Cleveland Museum of Natural History) and David Stein (OhioDLA)
Track: STP / Constituency: K-12, HE, COR, TEL
Share best practices with technology in the classroom and avoid common pitfalls of digital teaching. Educators worry that they MUST have the newest, cutting-edge devices to engage student learners…but it’s still a human on the screen they’re watching. Learn how to grab your digital audience’s attention and keep it!
CC 11: A Tale of Two Programs
Presented by: Stacey Lee (Houston Community College) and Kurt Czupryn (College of the Mainland)
Track: STP / Constituency: HE
This session describes how two community colleges in two different cities (a major urban city vs. a smaller suburb) benefited from the Texas Workforce Commission’s Distance Learning grant – and how their programs experienced dramatic results.
Concurrent Sessions 6
11:15 AM – 12:15 PM Eastern
CC 4: TxDLA-Setting the Pace for Member Driven Communities of Practice
Presented by: Michelle Durán (Texas A&M University-Kingsville)
Track: STP / Constituency: ALL
The process and activities for successful community-building for institutions and organizations are the focus of this presentation. We will highlight several initiatives the TxDLA organizes to increase benefits for members which can be replicated across industries. The session will highlight multiple ways TxDLA sets the pace for tailored member services.
CC 11: Using Self-Determination Theory to Fuel Up Self-Driving Learners
Presented by: Valary Oleinik
Track: TTL / Constituency: ALL
In this interactive session you will get to explore how to leverage aspects of the self-determination theory of intrinsic motivation (autonomy, mastery, and relatedness) to design courses that help develop your learners’ confidence and curiosity and set them on the track to being more self-directed in their future learning endeavors.
Victory Ballroom: Luncheon Panel
12:45 – 1:45 PM Eastern Media’s View of Online Learning (time may delayed due to lunch service)
Concurrent Sessions 7
2:00 – 3:00 PM Eastern
CC 4: Past, Present, & Future of Distance Communication & Collaboration
Presented by: Ken Conn and Elaine Shuck (i2i Technologies)
Track: TTL / Constituency: ALL
Going the distance requires reflection as the past sets the pace to the present that enables us to take the lead into the future. Join us as we look back at distance communication & collaboration while reviewing the current state of affairs with some predictions on what is to come.
CC 11: Accessibility Laws, Regulations, and Guidelines in Online and Blended Learning
Presented by: Susan Stephan (NSU Shepard Broad College of Law)
Track: KOT / Constituency: ALL
Susan Hayes Stephan, an attorney and Associate Dean of Online Programs, will present a brief summary of the accessibility-related laws, regulations, and guidelines that apply to online and blended learning today, plus tips and suggestions for developing and teaching accessible courses in an online or blended learning environment.
Concurrent Sessions 8
3:15 – 4:15 PM Eastern
CC 4: Evidence of Impact in Blended Learning
Presented by: Beth Kabes (ESU Coordinating Council)
Track: STP / Constituency: K12, HE
As leaders of Nebraska’s BlendEd Learning Pilot, we have visited schools/districts in Nebraska implementing blended strategies. From classroom observations and conversations with students, we are both encouraged and confident about the impact of blended learning. We will share evidence collected and the impact of Nebraska’s blended learning pilot.
CC 11: Now We’re Talking! Engaging Discussions in the Online Classroom
Presented by: Mary Rountree (Upper Iowa University)
Track: FL / Constituency: ALL
In this fast-paced presentation, strategies for discussion board questions, tips for creative discussion board activities, and techniques for generating follow-up conversations will be shared. Assessment options and different grading rubrics for online discussion boards will be shared as well.
Concurrent Sessions 9
4:30 – 5:30 PM Eastern
CC 4: How to Put the TELE into TeleGenetic Counseling
Presented by: Janet Major (Arizona Telemedicine Program)
Track: STP / Constituency: ALL
Having the ability to reach people in their home and communities to provide services, access to education and deliver healthcare is our future – and the future is bright. This presentation will share the tools and technology to produce distance learning events that are interesting, educational and billable in healthcare.
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Concurrent Sessions 10
9:00 – 10:00 AM Eastern
CC 11: The Changing Role of Distance Learning Coordination and Support
Presented by: Linda Dickeson (Lincoln Public Schools)
Track: STP / Constituency: K-12
In 2011, Lincoln Public Schools implemented the infrastructure to support videoconferencing with H.323, desktop and mobile devices. Coordination meant scheduling sessions on the bridge, maintaining a firewall, and more. See how today’s changing technologies have drastically changed how videoconferencing is managed and creatively used in K-12 and beyond.
Concurrent Sessions 11
10:15 – 11:15 AM Eastern
CC 11: The Immersive Learning Landscape
Presented by: Marci Powell (USDLA) and Susan Aldridge (Drexel University Online)
Track: DTR / Constituency: ALL
We’ll unwrap the immersive learning landscape and examine innovative initiatives being spearheaded by institutions using a myriad of technologies including virtual, augmented, and mixed reality. Gain a clear understanding of these emerging environments and innovative applications in online learning, and have an opportunity to ask questions and/or share your story.
Victory Ballroom: Closing Keynote
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Eastern
Doug Lederman, Editor & Co-Founder, Inside Higher Ed