USDLA is pleased to present the Call for Proposals for the eleventh International Forum for Women in E-Learning conference to be held December 1 – December 3, 2021 at the Marriott, New Orleans in New Orleans, Louisiana.
The 2021 conference theme developed by your very creative IFWE 2021 Program Committee is:
IFWE Empower!
The theme celebrates women and elearning in a world that has used online teaching and learning methodologies while navigating the COVID-19 crisis and beyond. To complement the theme, the committee has selected four tracks for which we are soliciting presentation submissions. These tracks and their corresponding descriptions are described below.
The Leading track welcomes submissions that respond to: effective leadership models and best practices both within an organization and between external stakeholder groups; the role of leadership in developing conditions for social equity; project management; communication strategies for developing and leading cross-cultural teams (remote); and leading disruptive change and designing and developing processes toward the adoption of innovations.
Submissions for the Leaning track should focus on the various ways we “lean” on each other in both professional and personal ways. Topics for submission may include but are not limited to mentoring; social processes for supporting teams; evidence-based best practices; and strategies and/or activities used in technology-rich environments to encourage support for each other.
The Learning track should present transformational ideas, processes, and/or measures of innovativeness that have the potential to advance professional practices within the e-learning community. Submission topics may include the effects of innovation people and programs; case studies on effective strategies and activities; and how to promote a culture of learning within an organization.
The Living track focuses on multiple topics that include: work/life balance; holistic health; self-care; and self-regulation techniques that can be applied across multiple contexts to help others feel fulfilled both professionally and personally. This track aims to help others experience personal wellness and thus Live your best life. Hands-on and interactive participatory-format sessions are encouraged for this track.
Conference participants typically represent a wide array of diverse constituencies and e-learning modalities and thus presentation submissions are encouraged across broad perspectives of the e-learning community. Of particular interest are presentations that address topics specifically meaningful to women, such as, women’s health, work/life balance, finding your voice at the table, and current events topics that involve issues of equity (economic, social, political).
We are planning three types of sessions this year:
1) Informative Sessions – These sessions provide an opportunity for 45-minute to 1-hour presentations in your field of expertise. Your session should include adequate time for questions at the end of your presentation. Teams of co-presenters are welcome and encouraged. Note that in order to accept as many proposals as possible, your Informative Session may become part of a panel session. By submitting your proposal, you are acknowledging agreement with this process.
2) Pre-conference Workshops – These are 2- to 3-hour workshops where presenters lead participants in new directions and allow them to practice new skills. Unfortunately, we do not have a facility for computer-based hands-on workshops. Teams of co-presenters are welcome and encouraged.
3) Poster Sessions – Poster sessions are presented during an IFWE networking activity. Poster presenters will be provided a table where they can set up an actual standing 3-panel poster (provided by the presenter) that describes their project or program. Unfortunately we cannot promise that there will be an electrical outlet adjacent to your table should you wish to use any electronics in your presentation. The presenter can also have handouts and other materials on the table. During the poster session, IFWE participants will have a chance to visit with all presenters. Note that we are unable to provide easels for your posters.
We recommend proposals be specific about the value provided to attendees. Please do not plan to make a sales presentation. Proposals should be focused on innovative issues and working solutions.
Abstracts/Session Summaries should include an overview of the session and its relevance to the Theme/Track, as well as to the e-learning community. They should provide: the structure of the session (informative session, pre-conference workshop, poster session) and, if applicable, details about demonstration activities and/or interactive components. Learning objectives and brief details about who might benefit from the session presentation should also be provided.
When in doubt, the conference committee will be happy to help you find the proper track!
Important Requirement: All presenters must register for the full conference.
Proposals are due on August 15, 2021
Format for presentation proposals for IFWE 2021:
10 word title
50 word abstract
100-200 words content
Review criteria:
IFWE participants will expect well-delivered presentations containing quality information that is of practical value to their day-to-day personal and professional lives. Each proposal will be reviewed by the IFWE Program Committee. Reviewers will look for clear descriptions. Considerable weight is given to proposals that specify session learning objectives and clearly describe why the content will be relevant and valuable to attendees.
Status of Proposals and Notification:
You will be contacted no later than September 1, 2021 about the status of your proposal. If your proposal is accepted, the lead presenter will receive an email containing information relevant to your presentation. Lead presenters are responsible for forwarding all information to their co-presenters.
The conference will provide a standard set-up (LCD data/video projector and screen) for all sessions except the Poster Sessions (see above). You will need to provide your own laptop computer (and appropriate dongles as needed) and speakers if your presentation requires sound. House sound will not be provided in the session rooms.
Preparing your proposal:
Please be specific and clear when you provide the required information requested on the electronic proposal submission system. When you are in the process of entering your proposal you can, at any time, click on Save and Exit. A confirmation email will be sent with information on how to log back in and continue your entry.
An email confirming the receipt of your proposal will be sent after submission.
For questions about proposals, the submission process, or technical issues, please contact Harriet Watkins at
Good luck with your proposal!
We look forward to seeing you at IFWE 2021!