Sunay is the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Engineering Remote Education for Texas A&M. He has more than 20 years of experience in the academic technology arena and over fifteen years of experience in distance and online learning. Over his career he has helped a few hundred faculty from varied disciplines develop hybrid and online courses. He has also taught traditional, hybrid and online courses in general and STEM disciplines ranging in size from 28 to 300. He has also helped plan, build and manage successful online programs in nursing, education, engineering, leadership and cybersecurity.
He is the co-developer of a Digital Academy which was a finalist for the Innovation Award by the Professional and Organizational Development Network. He has been PI and co-PI on a number of grants related to education, educational technology and online course development. His current research is focused on mapping techniques and technologies that support student success in alternative delivery environments, with a focus on data modeling.
Sunay is a strong proponent of active learning strategies in the classroom and is involved in designing physical and digital spaces that support active learning.