Monday, November 4, 2019
12:00 pm – 12:30 pm CST
Presenter: Jackie Luft, Ed.D., Course Facilitator, TxDLA Digital Accessibility Certification Course; and Faculty, Western Colorado University
“How to Make Your Online Courses More Engaging and Accessible with Universal Design”
Join TxDLA’s Digital Accessibility Certification course facilitator, Jackie Luft, Ed.D., as she discusses and shares ideas with you on how to make your online courses more engaging and accessible by implementing Universal Design strategies. Universal Design provides multiple ways that students can acquire new skills and knowledge; work with the new skill and knowledge; and demonstrate mastery of the new material. In this 30 minute webinar participants will leave with a list of ideas and tools for implementing Universal Design in any learning management system. Jackie Luft, Ed.D. is faculty at Western Colorado University, where she instructs in the Master of Arts in Educator Effectiveness program. Her research interest involves technologies that help people with disabilities and online accessibility.