USDLA has been a leading hub for distance learning resources and research for over 30 years, providing self-service access to comprehensive data while encouraging community contributions.

For over three decades USDLA has been a key focal point for all aspects of distance learning. In those early years, distance learning practitioners were too often regarded as a curiosity, at best, well-intentioned techno zealots operating somewhere on the fringe of “real” education. That, of course, has changed. No small portion of the credit for this shift is due to researchers who collected data that might both improve our methodologies and inform the public, educational providers and consumers alike, on the benefits of technology-driven education.

Little surprise, then, that USDLA provides a portal to perhaps the most comprehensive collection of DL-related information on the Internet. Providing information is a key element of the Association’s mission. We believe that our doing so benefits our fellow professionals as well as the general public.

Current data along with certain landmark studies are available through the links below. We have curated the links in this way to streamline our interface and to enhance the accessibility of our most current data. Historic data, generally that published prior to 2013, is accessed through our member portal.

The work of the Association is done through volunteers. We are not equipped to provide personalized assistance to researchers. Rather, we have tried to make a wealth of information available on a self-service basis. If you have ideas on how we might better do this or if you are aware of distance-learning resources which we have overlooked, we’d encourage you to write us at Though we are unable to respond individually, we will circulate your comments internally and incorporate your ideas as we are able. If distance learning research is your passion, by all means consider becoming a member and working with us in this vital area.

Video Assets

Select video assets are free for USDLA Members through our USDLA TV channel

To view members-only content from USDLA conferences please login to the USDLA Member Leap portal and navigate to Resources->USDLA Asset Archive

Sign up now to become a USDLA member and receive access to all USDLA members-only content.

USDLA Podcasts


USDLA serves the needs of the distance learning community by providing advocacy, information, networking, and opportunities. The weekly E-Newsletter is an informative and comprehensive resource highlighting USDLA activities and initiatives, along with current news, trends, and best practices across our various constituencies. These include K-12, Higher Ed, Corporate, Government, Military, Telehealth, and Home Schooling. In addition, information regarding new technology, state chapters, global affiliates, and upcoming events are also highlighted.

Submitting Your Article for Publication in the USDLA E-Newsletter
We are always on the lookout for industry information and commentary. Some guidelines:

  • Your article should be of interest to one or more of the USDLA constituencies listed above
  • The title of your article should be catchy and no longer than 10 words if possible
  • provide two to four paragraphs with no more than 500 words total
  • Whenever possible, include a photograph or image that relates to your article
  • If relevant, include a link to a video or additional information related to your article
  • If possible, provide one or two references to support your commentary

Please fill out the provided form, including your name, title, phone number, and attachment so we can contact you with any questions. Prepare your article in MS Word (.docx/.doc), and submit it through the form using “USDLA E-Newsletter” as the subject.

Past Newsletters

Check out all recent newsletters below: 

Research Resources

Distance Learning Quarterlies & Journals

USDLA Journals

USDLA is pleased to provide historical archived copies of its Quarterly Journal, Distance Learning. To access please login to your USDLA account through the Member Leap portal, then browse to the USDLA Asset Archive under the Resources menu.

The USDLA Quarterly journal is provided in print form for Individual and Institutional members. The electronic version of the journal is available to all membership levels.

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Worldwide Professional and Scholarly Journals