Posts by elaine
Oral Roberts University is reaching 185 out of the 195 known nations!
Mike Mathews and Oral Roberts University won the 2019 USDLA Global Impact Award for their collaborative work in distance learning on a global scale In what manner and innovation did ORU expand its global reach? Over the past three years Oral Roberts University has hosted hundreds of colleges, universities, and K12 executives to understand the…
Read MoreTuned Up with the USDLA 2019 National Conference Sponsors & Exhibitors!
This year’s USDLA National Conference is one to remember. After a successful time in Indianapolis, the USDLA Board decided to change the e venue to Nashville in order to keep it fresh for our attendees while still maintaining the quality exhibitors and sponsors they have come to expect. This year was no exception! The USDLA…
Read MoreWhat will the future of learning look like? I bet Robbie knows!
When I think back to the numerous people, I have met over my 28 years in the field of distance / online learning, Dr. Robbie Melton tops the list. Yes, I am older than you think but younger in the mind than you could imagine. I would dare to say the same for Robbie. Every…
Read MoreUSDLA and Me:
Joining has been one of the best decisions of my entrepreneurial career When I first came up with the idea in the fall of 2017 to create — a high-quality K-12 distance learning clearinghouse that connects master teachers with homeschool and public / private school families — I went searching for guidance. As a journalist,…
Read MoreUSDLA 2019 Keynote: Jonathan Linkous
Blog written by Janet MajorUSDLA Board Member, President Elect Associate Director Facilities Arizona Telemedicine Program Arizona Health Sciences Center Tucson, AZ Many of you know him as the man who helped build and served as the founding CEO for the American Telemedicine Association for over 20 years. Or the man who is the CEO of…
Read MoreA ‘Must Hear’ Keynote!
In November of 2018 I was invited to represent the USDLA as a panelist addressing the question “What is the Future? How do You Make it Happen” at Corporate Learning Week Conference held in Orlando, Florida. Rather than just participate in my panel I wanted to take advantage of the conference and listen to the…
Read MoreTop Ten Reasons to Attend the 2019 USDLA Conference
Blog Written by Elaine Shuck, USDLA Board Member #1 Location, location, location.This year’s event will take place in Nashville, Tennessee, best known for Nashville, country music and the Grand Ole Opry. So, come and discover Nashville with your distance learning friends! #2 Unmatched value. I don’t know about you, but I go to a lot…
Read MoreDL Networking Harmony in Nashville: Join us for the 2019 USDLA National Conference
Blog Written by Pat Cassella, President, U.S. Distance Learning Association This will be the 32nd year of the United States Distance Learning Association and our first conference ever in Music City. Much like Digital and Distance Learning has been the fabric of our Association, music has long been the common thread in Nashville, connecting people…
Read MoreBlackboard’s Accessibility Solution Ally receives Innovation Award from USDLA
Blog written by: Randy McDonald USDLA Board Member Each year the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) recognizes the preeminent distance learning practitioners from around the world. The annual awards program not only salutes some often unsung but hardworking professionals but also showcases the “best of the best” so that others may…
Read More2018 Award Winner – Teaching/Training Award in Higher Education
Blog written by: Dr. Rhonda Blackburn USDLA Board Member The winner for the United States Distance Learning Association’s 2018 Excellence in Teaching/Training Award in Higher Education is Dr. Stacy Southerland, University of Central Oklahoma Professor of Spanish. Dr. Southerland has developed an innovative approach to support engaging, high quality learning…
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