This blog post written by:
USDLA Board Member
Associate Director Facilities
Arizona Telemedicine Program
Arizona Health Sciences Center
Tucson, AZ
Throwback Thursday is a trend among social media sites such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook wherein users post or repost older photographs with the hashtag #ThrowbackThursday or #TBT.
USDLA, the United States Distance Learning Association, is celebrating Thirty Years of Excellence in Distance Learning and we would like to invite you to share YOUR #TBT’s with us as we prepare for our upcoming conference in Indianapolis April 30 – May 3, 2017!
Here are some questions to consider:
How has your technology changed? Remember when we used to have to TYPE our term papers? Was your first distance learning class a correspondence course? We have come a long way – and we have a LOT to celebrate! USDLA will be sharing some great history for the next several weeks and we invite you to tell us about your history as well.
Here are TEN great reasons to attend the conference on our blog:
Check out the agenda:
Visit Indy:
Please join us on LinkedIn for USDLA updates, follow us on Twitter USDLA@USDLA or Like us on Facebook!
If you’re currently a member of USDLA – you should join our DL Social Networking Link:
Please be sure to join us in Indy where we will have the opportunity to network with the experts in our field.
Help us celebrate one of the top 10 reasons to attend USDLA!
#4 Thirty 30 years in distance learning.
One of the things that makes USDLA helpful and attractive to me is perspective. Regardless of the constituency I’m engaged with and the media I use, I find I learn amazing lessons from those in other distance learning fields. So, while this year’s conference is not altogether a trip down “Memory Lane,” it does offer a time-based perspective as well. Thirty years. As we celebrate USDLA’s 30th anniversary we will be blogging and sharing some interesting nuggets through USDLA’s social media channels. Your participation in this is important! You can help by reading, commenting, or forwarding our 30th Anniversary posts. Or you can take a direct hand it by sending anecdotes, pictures, or reflections on your history with either distance learning or USDLA. We’ve set up a mailbox just for this: Let your voice be heard!