Networking in Nashville
Distance Learning Conference
Distance Learning – The USDLA has been driving best practices within the Distance learning community for more than 32 years. Finding the best keynote presenters and session presenters, attendees can come away with new insights and leading edge techniques to implement or improve their own Distance learning methodologies.
Come join us May 20th – 23rd, 2019 for the premier distance learning networking event for Education, Healthcare, Enterprise and Government in the United States. Network with CIOs, Deans, Faculty, Instructional Designers, Professional Trainers, Provosts, Presidents, System Administrators and Board Members.
- Complimentary pre-conference workshops on Distance/Digital Learning Leadership, Telehealth Best Practices, Grant Writing Workshop and DL Training Facility Tour
- Exciting Expert Keynotes focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), 21st Century Technology and more
- More than 50 top quality concurrent sessions over 2 days focused on DL industry best practices, data analytics, workforce training, innovation, trends, policy, legislation and other relative topics
- An International Awards Dinner showcasing the best in the industry for 21st Century DL, Outstanding Leadership, Innovation, Excellence in Teaching, Global Impact, Student Achievement and Research
- A variety of social and networking events including our International Opening Reception, Poster Sessions, Round Table Mobile Dinners, Morning Yoga and Bill Jackson Memorial Walk/Run
Register for the Conference Today!
Learn More About USDLA 2019 Nashville
All Distance/Digital Learning experts from around the world are welcome to attend, in fact we have had attendees from the UK, South Africa, Poland, Turkey and other countries at past conferences. The intimate format of the event allows attendees to learn about relevant topics from many different points of view. The moderate size makes it possible for attendees to actively participate.
See you in Nashville!